Hair Loss Causes

Hair Loss Causes

Trichotillomania (TTM)

Trichotillomania, also known as trich, is recognized as an impulse control disorder. Individuals who suffer from this disorder constantly pull out hair from their own scalp, or other body parts such as eyelashes and eyebrows. The pulling of the hair usually results in visible bald spots.

Individuals who pull out their hair usually do it for the sensation experienced from the yanking. People with the disorder assert that tension and stress lessen after they pull out the hair. An estimated one to two percent of the population suffers from this disorder.

Nadwa Yono, owner of Salon Nadwa Hair Loss Center, specializes in hair attachments specifically for individuals with disorders such as trich. Individuals who suffer from the disorder are not compelled to pluck out the hair attachment because they do not get the sensation they would feel from pulling out hair from their scalp.

Ann is Nadwa’s client. She made the following statement about her hair attachment:

“Nadwa makes me feel so beautiful!!!!”

Ann before


Ann after



Alopecia Areata is a hair loss disease that can be found among women, including women after pregnancy, men, and children. Although there are a lot of unanswered questions regarding Alopecia, it is considered to possibly be an autoimmune disease. It is suggested that Alopecia occurs when the immune system attacks an individual’s hair follicles. The hair follicles are then prevented from generating hair fiber, which create the hair. Alopecia will cause the individual affected to have balding patches on the scalp. In most situations the hair has potential to grow back, for others; the hair loss can be permanent.

Heidi, who suffers from Alopecia, wears a hair attachment by Nadwa. She made the following statement:

“My new hair gives me freedom and confidence. I feel like my old self again. My husband said the hair attachment Nadwa has given me is like a Rolls Royce compared to my old Pinto car wig”.

Heidi before


Heidi after


Hair Loss Causes

Genetic predisposition remains the leading cause of hair loss among men and women. It accounts for at least 95% of all hair loss situations. Other known causes of hair loss include mineral deficiencies, lack of vitamins, effects of prescription drugs, stress, skin disorders, poor dieting, pregnancy, and autoimmunity.

There are also diseases, such as thyroid disease, and bacterial infections that may cause hair loss, and the list goes on. Hair loss can sometimes be treated, but it can always be disguised.

Theresa is a client of Nadwa’s who wears one of her hair attachments. She had the following to say about her attachment:

“I feel beautiful and confident with the hair attachment Nadwa has given me”.



Therese after


Radiation Therapy and Hair Loss

How does radiation therapy affect hair?

Hair follicles are very sensitive to radiation. Treatments cause hair loss within the treatment area about three weeks after the start of the treatment. Hair loss maybe temporary or permanent depending on the amount of radiation received.

Hair will re-grow with in 3 to 6 months. If radiation (site specific) is concentrated in a certain area, hair will fall out only in the area of radiation. Patients do not need to wear a wig. Hair can be attached only in the area where hair has been lost. Hair loss is related to where the beam is aimed. Radiation therapy causes hair loss only in the area being treated; hair loss might be permanent, hair follicles most of the time and get damaged too severely.

Radiation before


After radiation
